Thursday, June 9, 2011



1) Carlos Sabillon: On the Causes of Economic Growth—The Lessons from History, Algora Publishing, New York, 2007, 340 pp
2) Carlos Sabillon: World Economic Historical Statistics, Algora Publishing, New York, 2004, 224 pp
3) Carlos Sabillon: Manufacturing, Technology, and Economic Growth, M.E. Sharpe Inc., New York, 2000, 450 pp

University of Geneva-Switzerland; Harvard University-USA; Georgetown University-USA; London School of Economics-UK; University of Las Palmas-Spain)
Research on economic growth, 1998-2007)

Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva, Switzerland)
Post-Doctorate in Economic History, Graduated 1997

Ludwig Maximilians University (Munich, Germany)
Post-Doctorate in International Economics, Graduated 1993

Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva, Switzerland)
Ph.D. in International Relations, Graduated 1990
Thesis: Economic Reforms and Foreign Direct Investment in China

Masters in International Relations, Graduated 1989
Course-work: Economics, History, Politics

National University of Honduras
Undergraduate in Law, Graduated 1991
Undergraduate in Economics, Graduated 1985
Undergraduate in Philosophy, Graduated 1985

McArthur High School (San Antonio, Texas)
High School Degree, Graduated 1980

Language Knowledge
English and Spanish (Excellent)
French and German (Very good)

Working Experience
Back Office at Sherson Lehman Brothers, Geneva, Switzerland, 1990
Economic consultant of the Honduras government, 1998
Professor of Economic History, Geneva Business Institute, Switzerland, 2001—2002
Television news analyst—Mundo TV, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 2008—2011
Television news analyst—D-TV, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 2010—2011
Professor of Development Economics, National University of Honduras 2010,—1011


--Post-Doctorate in Economic History--

--Post-Doctorate in International Economics--

--Ph.D. in International Relations--

--Masters in International Relations--

--Undergraduate in Law--

--Undergraduate in Economics--

--Undergraduate in Philosophy--