Thursday, June 9, 2011


The following is a survey conducted by PUBLISEARCH, a marketing and rating-measurement company with offices in all Central American countries, which evaluated the level of attractiveness of the programing of D-TV Channel, a Honduran television channel. The survey was conducted in early 2011.

Dr. Carlos Sabillon´s program is called ANALISIS, which in english means Analysis, because it is a program that scientifically analyses the national and international news.

As it can be observed, Dr. Sabillon´s program is more viewed than all programs except three. In reality it is the most viewed because his program is only shown once a week, while all others (including the three that apparently have higher rating) are shown four or more times a week.

The methodology for the survey was the following: The rating-measurement company made thousands of phone calls to people in Honduras asking them if they watched regularly the different programs of the channel.

It is obvious that a program that is shown four or five times a week, has a higher chance of being watched, than one that is only shown once a week. It is evident that if Dr. Sabillon´s program would be shown at least four times a week, the ratings of his program would be way above the three programs that came above his.

--Chart of ratings in D-TV Channel--

So it can be justly said that on a per hour basis, Dr. Sabillon´s program is by far the most watched, surpassing Hollywood movies, American TV series and other entertainment programs, as well as sport and music. That is highly unusual because in all countries of the world news are less attractive for the bulk of the population than entertainment programs.

Why is Dr. Sabillon´s program not being shown more regularly, considering his high ratings?

In a developed country, such as those in North America, Western Europe, Japan, Australia New Zealand, Singapore and South Korea, where television companies are focused on ratings, Dr. Sabillon would have long ago received at least five hours on prime time from Monday to Friday. However, Honduras is an incoherent country where the laws of reason do not apply. The owner of D-TV Channel refuses to give Dr. Sabillon more time and the owners of all other TV channels have rebuffed his demands for a job because he does not support any of the two prevailing ideologies (the right and the left). In Honduras, all the owners of TV channels are politically aligned with one of the two positions and the political parties that endorse those ideologies.

In his programs, Dr. Sabillon constantly points at countless government initiatives that lack scientific substantiation. This presents a problem because all television channels get a lot of money from the government. Every single government in Honduras over the last three decades has been the main source of money for practically all television companies. Honduras´s inept and corrupt politicians do not like people who question the logic of the government´s actions and they like silencing the press with bribes.

Honduras is a country where science is so little respected, that several television channels controlled by the right and the left, do not even allow their journalists to interview occasionally Dr. Sabillon. In many TV channels Dr. Sabillon is persona non grata and is not even allowed to enter the premises.